?? ??? ????, 1.1.1
Bug Fixes:
- Add ValueType attribute when attaching token

24 Jun 2015, 1.1.0
- Add options parameter to signSoapDoc() method.
  options include insertBefore and KeyInfo array (X509SubjectKeyIdentifier).
- Add options parameter to addEncryptedKey() method.
  options include KeyInfo array (X509SubjectKeyIdentifier).
- Add encryptSoapDoc() method
- Add decryptSoapDoc() method
- Libraries now provide ability to interoperate with WCF servers using message 
  level security (Signatures and Encryption).
- Add signBody property (boolean) to allow for disabling of signing soap body.

08 Mar 2010, 1.0.0
Initial import of libraries to repository from cdatazone web site
Provides support for Digital Sigatures via WS-Security and WS-Addressing